Cheap but effective-prostatitis drugs

Cheap drugs for prostatitis

The identification of prostatitis requires a balanced approach to the selection of essential drugs and auxiliary drugs.

For successful treatment, you need to see a urologist and buy cheap and effective prostatitis drugs as recommended by your doctor.

What is the most effective medicine for prostatitis

Many men hope to find a way to quickly and completely cure the inflammation in the affected area.

The disease has many negative manifestations of different nature: pain, retention of urine, smooth muscle spasm, which requires the use of several different drugs.

For chronic and acute prostatitis, many drugs need to be prescribed:

  1. Antibacterial compounds.
  2. Drugs (usually herbal) that activate the metabolic process in the prostate.
  3. Antispasmodic and analgesic drugs.
  4. Anti-inflammatory name.
  5. Compounds that improve blood circulation.

Various synthetic and trona drugs are used to treat prostatitis.

The pharmacological category of the drug is more effective during acute inflammation. Herbs are often used in chronic forms of pathology to prevent recurrence.

Prostate inflammation preparations

You cannot take pills or rectal suppositories that can help colleagues or relatives: when prescribing the medication, the doctor should consider the form of prostatitis, the degree of prostate damage, the nature of the restriction, and the type of pathogen. Incorrect treatment is ineffective, interferes with the early elimination of the inflammatory process, and is harmful to health.

For chronic prostatitis

What medicine is used to treat chronic prostatitisThe main task of

is ​​to prevent recurrence. The pain syndrome is mild, the discomfort is moderate, and the urination process has partially recovered.

The best combination of chronic prostatitis drugs:

  • A compound used to activate blood circulation;
  • Muscle relaxants;
  • Symptomatic treatment;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • Soothing herbal decoctions and tinctures;
  • Drugs used to normalize the metabolic process of the prostate;
  • Vitamin and restorative composition.

For acute prostatitis

The main task is to stop the pathological process to prevent the further development of the disease. Urologists prescribe drugs to prevent the transition from acute form of prostatitis to chronic form.

Effective drug group and name:

  • Antibiotics. The drug inhibits the activity of infectious agents.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. The name of the NSAID group stops the pathological process, eliminates the swelling of the prostate tissue and reduces pain. In severe inflammation, strong hormone drugs should be prescribed within a short period of time.
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics.


For prostatitis, use the following group of preparations:

  • Non-steroidal drugs (NSAID).Actively inhibit the inflammatory process, reduce pain and swelling. The long-lasting effect of the new generation formula allows you to take 1 tablet per day. It is important to consider the state of the digestive tract: non-selective NSAIDs actively stimulate the mucosa.
  • Hormonal preparations.Prescription drugs are prescribed for severe pathological processes, severe pain and the inefficiency of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The course of treatment is 7 to 28 days.
  • A specific formula to fight prostate inflammation.Preparations in the form of rectal suppositories and tablets.


Analgesics-second-line drugs (adjuvants) for the treatment of prostatitis. In the acute course of the inflammatory process, prescriptions are often prescribed against the background of severe pain. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics can reduce pain.

A strong anesthetic is prescribed to treat severe discomfort, and the course of treatment does not exceed 5 days.

Some medicines (injections and rectal suppositories) can not only relieve pain, but also eliminate blood congestion and reduce prostate swelling.


When the source of infection is identified after analyzing the biological material, the urologist will assign the name of its component to inhibit pathogen activity.

For chronic prostatitis, a person will take pills in the context of an acute process-oral dosage forms and preparations.

It is important to destroy the lesion to prevent the infection from spreading to the surrounding area.

Improve blood circulation

The course of prostatitis is prolonged. Without proper treatment, pain and congestion will occur.

In the context of poor blood circulation and tissue edema, antibiotics are absorbed less and the therapeutic effect is reduced.

The urologist prescribes some drugs together with the antibacterial compound to improve the blood supply to the prostate tissue.

Stabilize the metabolic process of the prostate

It is important to treat chronic diseases regularly to prevent the disease from getting worse.

If the symptoms are not obvious or disappear, it is impossible to interrupt treatment early: violation of the instructions will reduce the effectiveness of taking the preparation to restore prostate function.


Urologists choose the best form of medicine based on the results of bacterial culture. During the research process, the laboratory assistant will indicate the most harmful active substances to the identified microorganisms in the decoding table.

Several types of antibiotics are effective in treating prostatitis:

  1. Macrolides.An efficient treatment method for detecting mycoplasma and chlamydia.
  2. Fluoroquinolones.Broad-spectrum drugs.
  3. Tetracycline.It has a positive effect on chlamydia and mycoplasma, but it has more side effects than macrolide drugs.
  4. A new generation of penicillincombines clavulanic acid. Modern drugs show high efficacy against the background of good tolerance.

Popular cheap products

Unfortunately, many drugs used to treat prostatitis are in the high-priced category. In the context of long-term use of the preparation, the cost of treating the chronic form of the disease increases.

It is difficult to find effective tools at an acceptable price. It is important to consider the number of suppositories, ampoules, capsules or tablets in the package.


There are many different opinions on cheap drugs for treating prostatitis. Many men pointed out that the combination of antibiotics, antispasmodics and drugs to improve prostate metabolism has a high therapeutic effect.

There are also many negative comments about the nature of the treatment, mainly for chronic diseases. Most of the negative opinions are related to the hope that the pathological signs will be eliminated as soon as possible, but for recurrent prostatitis, long-term (up to 6 months) drug treatment is required and strict adherence to the use schedule.

Many men violate the instructions, drink and smoke, continue to live a sedentary lifestyle, and do not participate in physical therapy or self-medication, in a shorter time than expected.

With this treatment method, even the latest prostatitis drugs and the advice of an experienced urologist will not help.

It is important to consider this before starting treatment to avoid disappointment and neglected pathology.

The treatment of recurrent prostate inflammation not only requires patience and accurate implementation of doctor's recommendations, but also requires a lot of financial costs. Doctors recommend treating this disease as soon as possible to prevent the acute form from turning into a chronic form.