Treatment of any form and type of prostatitis involves a comprehensive approach. Diet therapy is far from the last place. In this article, you'll learn which foods are good for the healing process and which ones are best to avoid. There are also basic rules and principles about the prostatitis diet.
In the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, doctors recommend additional adherence to the diet. Therefore, patients need to know how to properly prepare food during treatment, as well as the most popular and delicious recipes that allow cooking.
General principles and goals of diet
The main principle of the prostatitis diet is proper and healthy nutrition. Product is restricted for medical and preventive purposes. During the period of adherence to the diet, the blood composition is significantly improved, the function of the digestive organs as well as the genitourinary system is normalized, which in turn leads to a reduction in the burden of the prostate and an increase in the absorption of the drug. The patient's pelvic discomfort disappeared, sexual function improved, and the risk of prostatitis recurrence was minimized.
The main goals of this disease diet are:
- normalization of urine output;
- eliminate inflammation;
- relieve pain and swelling;
- remove excess salt from the body;
- normalization of stool;
- improve immunity;
- reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed;
- Accelerate recovery.
Experts have identified a list of products that should be completely abandoned during treatment:
- yeast dough;
- candy;
- spicy, savory and bacon;
- alcoholic beverages;
- Protect;
- Fatty meat and fish;
- all types of beans;
- cabbage;
- Tangerine;
- Plum;
- Carbonated drinks;
- strong tea and coffee;
- store sauce;
- chocolate.
allowed products
The list of products that make up the prostatitis diet menu is quite extensive, so that each patient can easily choose the dishes according to his preferences:
- lean meat (rabbit, lamb, veal);
- lean poultry (chicken, turkey, quail);
- low-fat fish (sea fish should be given priority);
- dairy products;
- egg;
- cereals;
- bread (bran or rye);
- various pasta;
- vegetables in any form;
- fruit;
- berry;
- nut;
- fresh juice;
- herbal tea.
Goose and duck meat and semolina should be eaten in limited quantities.
Sour cream can only be used to flavor various dishes, while butter can only be used as an addition to porridge or pasta, and on thin bread.
Power characteristics
in the acute form of the disease
The diet for acute prostatitis includes the use of moderately chopped foods. If the body temperature is elevated and there is no appetite at all, doctors recommend fasting for several days, but be careful about adequate fluid intake.
For the above-mentioned forms of the disease, it is recommended to eat foods that are easily absorbed by the body and do not place a burden on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The basis of the diet is boiled or steamed vegetable dishes, supplemented by a variety of fruits and fermented dairy products. In small quantities, lean meat, poultry and fish are permitted.
In the acute form of prostatitis, caffeine, spices, spicy and high-salt foods are strictly prohibited. You should reject products that cause gas formation, as well as preservatives and meat offal.
chronic form
The nutrition of chronic prostatitis is not so strict. You can use mushrooms, spices and dry wine in limited amounts (up to 1 glass per day). Spicy and salty foods should be excluded from the daily menu.
It is recommended to minimize fatty, smoked and salty foods and limit sauces and beans. Light coffee and tea can be consumed in small amounts.
Sample menu of the week
Day 1
- Breakfast: Light herbal tea, porridge, carrot and parsnip salad.
- Lunch: Onion soup, oatmeal, beef balls, jelly.
- Dinner: Steamed fish with vegetables, fruit salad.
- Evening snack: Kefir.
Day 2
- Breakfast: 1-2 hard boiled eggs, milk broth, broth or preserves.
- Lunch: mashed potatoes with fish, vegetable salad, tea.
- Dinner: Buckwheat, cheesecake, broth.
- Evening snack: a glass of milk.
Day 3
- Breakfast: Oatmeal, seaweed salad, light herbal soup.
- Lunch: Vegetable and fish stew, cucumber and herb salad, several fruits.
- Dinner: Baked potatoes, light vegetable soup, herbal tea.
- Bedtime snack: A glass of kefir.
Day 4
- Breakfast: oatmeal, cheese sandwich, dried apricot soup.
- Lunch: Pasta with boiled or grilled chicken, green salad, jelly.
- Dinner: polenta, herbal tea, carrot slices.
- Bedtime snack: A glass of freshly squeezed juice.
Day 5
- Breakfast: Pumpkin porridge, decoction of any dried fruit or juice.
- Lunch: Buckwheat steamed chicken, tea.
- Dinner: porridge, boiled fish with potatoes, vegetable salad.
- Bedtime snack: Homemade yogurt.

Day 6
- Breakfast: carrot salad, rice, herbal tea.
- Lunch: Meatball soup, steamed fish, stew, juice.
- Dinner: Buckwheat, seafood salad, preserves.
- Bedtime snack: Kefir or fermented baked milk.
Day 7
- Breakfast: Homemade cheese with fruit, boiled eggs, herbal tea.
- Lunch: potatoes with roasted lean meat, candied fruit with dried fruit.
- Dinner: Pumpkin puree, boiled chicken fillet, a few fruits.
- Bedtime snack: A glass of freshly squeezed juice.
Experts recommend adding vegetables to your first meal and adding a variety of seasonings to cooking. It is recommended to use an oven, double boiler or multi-purpose pot to prepare dishes.
Cooking principles for patients with prostatitis
The prostatitis diet is not strict, the fasting list is minimal, and by following simple cooking principles, you can cook a variety of dishes to suit every taste.
Meat and fish should be grilled, boiled, stewed or steamed. It is recommended to give up fat or use as little as possible. After the meat is boiled, the remaining broth can be used to make various soups. In the case of boiled poultry, you have to peel it first because it contains a lot of fat. Fish can also occasionally be made with charcoal, but eaten without the shell.
It is recommended to eat less meat skewers while removing the fried crust. Herring should be soaked in water before eating. When preparing first courses, especially soups, it is necessary to minimize the amount of potatoes and avoid combining pasta with meat dishes.
When adding vegetables to soup, experts recommend forgoing frying and using only raw foods. This method will significantly reduce the burden on the digestive system.
There is a wide variety of second dishes - meatloaf, meatballs, soufflés and casseroles are all ok. You can cook grains, casseroles, and meatballs with grains; they're also used in schnitzels and meatballs. Vegetable garnishes are made from raw or steamed vegetables. Frying with minimal oil is allowed. It is recommended to choose pasta from hard varieties and use it sparingly.
Experts recommend funchose because it is easily absorbed by the body.
Prescription for Prostatitis Patients
Below are recipes of dishes specially developed by nutritionists for prostatitis diet menus.

Grilled Pink Salmon with Lemon Marinade
raw material:
- pink salmon - 400 grams;
- a small lemon;
- bunch of greens;
- olive oil - 3 tablespoons l. ;
- Breadcrumbs - 1 tsp.
Remove all bones from the fish, which can be cut into small pieces. Next, prepare the marinade. To do this, combine the butter, crackers, add the desired amount of salt, grate the fish and sprinkle with herbs. Place the lemon rings on top.
Grease or cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 180°C. Bake for 15 minutes.
This dish can be garnished with lettuce leaves.
Veal Rice
raw material:
- 150 g veal slices;
- 1 cup rice
- 1 medium carrot;
- celery and parsley root;
- olive oil - 2 tablespoons l. ;
- bay leaf;
- Salt.
Bring a piece of veal to a boil in water, then drain and replace with a new one, and wait for it to boil again. Add the vegetables and bay leaves to the skillet and cook the meat until tender.
Pour oil into preheated pan and add pre-washed rice. Fry until beans are golden brown. Then pour in 350ml of water, lower the heat as much as possible, cover and cook until tender.
Meat with rice can be garnished with herbs before serving.
baked beans
raw material:
- Potatoes - 4;
- Paprika - 1 tsp;
- pepper to taste;
- Cumin - 1/4 tsp;
- Oregano - 1 tbsp. l. ;
- olive oil - 2 teaspoons;
- Salt to taste.
Peel the potatoes and cut into equal-sized pieces. Put in a bowl and mix with vegetable oil. Mix all spices thoroughly. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, spread potatoes, and sprinkle evenly with seasoning. Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes.
Serve as a stand-alone dish or with a green salad.
tofu pudding
raw material:
- Low-fat cheese - 500 g;
- Eggs - 3;
- Flour - 2 tbsp. l. ;
- Sugar - 2 tablespoons. l.
Grate the cottage cheese, add the egg yolks, sugar and flour and whisk thoroughly until smooth. The protein is knocked into a stable foam and then slowly introduced into the rest of the mass. You can add various fruits, berries or dried fruit if desired. Transfer the future pudding to a special baking pan, which has been greased before. Cook in a water bath or multi-purpose pot in "Bake" mode.

Buckwheat Mushrooms
raw material:
- Buckwheat - 0. 5 cup;
- 1 tomato;
- 4 small mushrooms;
- half an onion;
- greening;
- olive oil;
- Salt to taste.
Buckwheat should be cooked until tender and seasoned with salt. Heat a pan, add oil and saute chopped onion until fragrant. Cut the mushrooms into 4 pieces, add them to the pot, sauté until tender, add the diced tomatoes and season with herbs and spices. Keep the heat low for 5-7 minutes, then add the buckwheat and mix. Turn off the gas and let it sit for 10 minutes.
Berry Baked Apples
raw material:
- 2 medium-sized apples;
- 1 cup black currant berries (you can use any);
- Sugar to taste.
Cut apples in half and core, mix berries with sugar. Place a handful of berries in each half of the apple and place on a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 200°C and bake for 15 minutes. The cooled dessert can be sprinkled with sugar or powder.
fish cake
raw material:
- cod fillet - 300 g;
- medium potatoes - 4;
- Butter - 50 g;
- Cream 15% - 100 ml;
- eggs - 2;
- 1 onion;
- Olive Oil - 2 tbsp. l. ;
- Salt to taste.
Cook pre-peeled potatoes until tender, remove from water, and mash with butter and cream. In the water where the potatoes were boiled, add the fish pieces and cook until tender. Chop the onion and fry in olive oil until golden brown. Beat egg whites with a whisk until stiff foam. In a blender, combine the cooked fish, potatoes, onion, egg yolks and salt, gradually adding the egg whites. Put the mixture in the baking pan. Preheat oven to 200°C. Bake the souffle for 30 minutes.
carrot slices
raw material:
- Carrots - 500 g;
- 100 g flour;
- eggs - 2;
- olive oil - 50 ml;
- Salt to taste.
Cook carrots until tender, peel and chop in a blender. Add flour, eggs, salt and beat until smooth. Make small, even patties and fry until tender. You can steam or use the oven instead of frying.
raw material:
- 2 liters of water;
- Starch - 3 tbsp. l. ;
- sugar - 1 cup;
- cherries or berries - 500 g;
- Flavours of vanilla and cinnamon.

Bring water to a boil, add seasonings and continue to simmer for 4-5 minutes. Add cherries and sugar. Dissolve starch in 1 cup of water and gradually add remaining ingredients to saucepan. Keep on high heat for a few minutes, stirring constantly. When thickened, remove from heat and cool.
quit diet
After completing the treatment of prostatitis, you should gradually stop eating and drinking. Nutrition needs to be properly balanced to avoid abrupt transitions to fasting. Experts recommend sticking to the diet and gradually introducing new foods in the future, while carefully monitoring the body's response. When preparing a diet, try to reduce the consumption of large amounts of fatty foods or semi-finished products.
To prevent disease recurrence, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and unhealthy heavy and fast food must be abandoned, and proper nutrition must be prioritized.
The pros and cons of diet
Following strict adherence to dietary nutrition, positive effects were observed after 3 days. arrivebenefitThe diet includes:
- Significant pain relief;
- prevent disease progression;
- lack of hunger;
- Weight normalization.
arriveshortcomingIt should be attributed to the severe addiction to the diet by those who like fried, spicy and smoky, and the existence of contraindications to this diet in some patients.
- Male, 39 years old: "A year ago, the doctor diagnosed prostatitis. In addition to medication, dietary food was prescribed. The new eating habits are difficult to adapt to because I never restrict myself. However, in the firstA few days later, I found that my condition improved and the pain started to disappear. After I quit the diet, I tried my best not to eat junk and heavy food, and I felt very good. The work of my digestive organs and the state of my body improved as a whole, and there was no recurrence. "
- Male, 54: "I never restrict my diet. I noticed that my prostatitis started to worsen after eating greasy and spicy things. I decided to follow the advice of experts and go on a diet to prevent the worsening. It was unusual at first, But the variety of dishes has helped me not feel hungry and find what works for me. After switching to this diet, my health has improved significantly and I have fewer and fewer exacerbations. "
- 42-year-old woman: "My husband was diagnosed with prostatitis and prescribed me medication and a diet. At first, the husband refused to restrict his diet and kept breaking down, eating fried and spicy food. Later he decided to get rid ofThe disease, cheered up, started a diet. , prescribed by a doctor. Health almost improved within a few days, problems with digestive organs disappeared, excess weight was lost. The disease has subsided and has not been bothered for a long time. "
A diet for prostatitis not only helps to significantly speed up the treatment process, but also heals the entire body as it rejects harmful foods. The wide variety of food allows you to choose the right dish without feeling hungry.