How to improve men's potency after 40 years

As a general rule, the problems of libido and erection to occur in adulthood (usually at the age of 40-50 years). This contributes to a number of factors, including the male menopause. Mature men often think, what are the pills to increase potency in men after 40 are most effective?

power after 40

Of course, the faster drugs are from a group of PDE-5 inhibitors. They help to restore the natural mechanism of the onset of erection. But such drugs is a disadvantage – short-term effect.

Alternatively, you can talk about adaptogens plant, naturopath, the media, and food supplements. Also a good therapeutic effect have a homeopathic medicines.

The causes of erectile dysfunction

Because it occurs to a drop of power after 40 years? Usually the reason is simple – the male menopause. In this period reduces the level of testosterone free and total blood, with the result that he develops erectile dysfunction.

Among the causes of impotence in men 40 years of age, you can highlight an unhealthy lifestyle. Alcoholism, smoking and drug use lead to the fact that they violated the hormones, the blood circulation in the pelvis and prostate functions. In consequence of this, occurs a reduction of sexual potency and libido.

Possible causes of erectile dysfunction can be attributed:

  • Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. The potency and libido are observed in patients suffering from adenoma of the prostate, prostate cancer and prostatitis.
  • Psychological disorders. Often the reduction of the power men at 40 years of age due to the precarious psychological state. The patient can by itself is considered to be impotent, which develops the syndrome of expectation of failure. In this case, you need qualified psychological help.
  • The lack of physical exercise. A sedentary lifestyle leads to disruption of the outflow of blood from the pelvis and reduce the level of testosterone in the blood. Still the lack of physical exercise is fraught with obese. All together, these factors are able to cause the erectile dysfunction. But there is a downside – the impotence may occur due to too much intense physical effort.
  • Diabetes type 1 or type 2. If the hyperglycemia is the cause of impotence, the main goal of treatment – to obtain the support of the compensation of diabetes.
  • The long-term use of hypoglycemic drugs, tranquilizers, sedatives, medications. Still a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction may be due to the consumption of inhibitors of 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors and anti-androgens.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • An injury to the groin or penis.
  • Anatomical deformation of the penis.
  • Hormonal disturbances. It is necessary to monitor the level of free testosterone, the town of FSH and testosterone DHT. If there is a deviation from the norm, must be subjected to appropriate therapy.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. A characteristic sign chlamydia, candida, syphilis, and other sexually transmitted diseases is erectile dysfunction.
  • Atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and other irregularities of the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to turn to specialists (urologist, the sex therapist, endocrinologist). Why is it necessary?

This is necessary for the reason that the physician must identify the root cause of erectile dysfunction, and assign an appropriate therapy on the basis of the results of the survey.

Inhibitors of PDE-5

Troubleshooting with the power of 40 years can be accomplished using the drugs by a group of PDE-5 inhibitors. How do they act? To understand the principle of action of drugs, we must remember that the assumption of the onset of erection is the relaxation of the structure of the penis.

For this was made, it should happen the local release of nitric oxide and accumulation of cgmp in the cavernous body. Drugs strengthen the effects of nitric oxide and inhibit PDE-5 (exactly this enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of cgmp). In this way, the medications help the natural offensive power.

By the way, the medicines help to improve male strength just in case, if there is sexual stimulation. No impact on the hormonal balance or libido of the above pills do not have.

Homeopathy and naturopathic funds

power handling

How to improve men's potency after 40, and get a long-term effect? For these purposes it is better to use homeopathic medicines. Unfortunately, most of the funds in this segment are the placebo.


Many patients wonder how to increase potency in men in a natural way after the age of 40? To do this without the use of drugs is almost impossible. The use of traditional methods is impractical. The efficacy of decoctions and infusions a very individual – not all men are they will help you heal phenomena, unpleasant erection slow and low libido.

If you have health problems, it is best to use the dietary supplements plant-based. Its speed is slightly lower than inhibitors of PDE-5, however, food Supplements allow you to maintain the effect of curative therapy for 6-12 months. In addition, many tools help to promote the health of the men, including improving the functioning of the prostate and stabilize the hormones.