Vitamins for male power and to improve the sexual power.

Disorder of sexual function is experienced men to be more marked. This violates not only their physical, but also mental and emotional status.

To avoid these problems, and also in case of their occurrence, it is necessary to provide the body with nutrients.

Vitamins for the power of men, and also a set of trace elements helps the body regain male strength, to rediscover the taste of life and emotional balance.

Causes of violation of the power

vitamins for power

Quick-the rhythm of life, and not always friendly in terms of ecological environment can cause an imbalance in the sex of the body, that is to reduce the libido the violation of potency.

The causes of violation of the power of this can be:

  • situations are favourable to the development of fears, neuroses, feelings of anxiety;
  • a bad legacy;
  • high physical activity;
  • disease of the central nervous system;
  • imbalances of the endocrine system, linked to a reduction of the amount of testosterone;
  • the negative impact of tobacco, drugs, alcohol;
  • consequences of taking drugs;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • a number of neurological diseases, such as neurosis, epilepsy;
  • the intake of antidepressant medications;
  • a sedentary work.

With any of these factors should deal with almost all of the men, and then to monitor their health and diet should each one of them.

The daily rate of vitamins and minerals

To improve the power and the proper functioning of the reproductive system every day in the body in the required amount must be of vitamins and trace elements:

  • D — above all, they need vitamin D to the power of the male in winter. Helps in the production of testosterone and increases libido. Its a lot of quail eggs, fish. About the lack of a body of this trace element say tiredness, irritability, and depression;
  • C — supports the immune system, activates other b vitamins for power help the synthesis of serotonin and endorphins. Improves the condition of blood vessels, promotes the flow of blood to the capillaries, improve their flexibility and strength. The daily rate of vitamin C – 200-500 mg;
  • A — helps to strengthen resistance to infections, brings in the rule for the reproductive system. Its isomer beta-carotene is necessary to strengthen the male health, it contains in red vegetables/fruit, but also in fish oils, butter. His daily rate — 5000 IU;
  • B1 (thiamine) — source of energy throughout the body, including the brain. His request 1.5-2.5 mg per day. This is the number of this element provides human beings with a sound sleep, vigorous, and productive of well-being. But the lack of it can cause tiredness and irritability, headaches that affect the sexual activity and the power;
  • B3 (nicotinic acid) — relieves fatigue, headaches, stimulates mental activity. If disturbed the sleep, and feels weakness in the muscles, so the body lacks this substance, which is contained in brewer's yeast, nuts, fish, beet sugar, and lean pork. Need to day 15-25 mg;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) is responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, is involved in the development of "happiness hormone". With the lack of is numbness of the limbs, fatigue, muscle weakness. The norm for a grown man – 2-2,5 mg / day. The supply of this substance will help the banana, avocado, tuna, shrimps, but also on sunflower seeds;
  • E (tocopherol) — is responsible for the work of the pituitary gland, which helps produce sex hormones and promotes the correct development of the sperm. The lack of vitamin leads to degradation of the seminiferous tubules, to reduce the number of epithelial cells of the eggs, which are the basis for the formation of the sperm. A day is necessary to 12-15 mg of This substance much in the vegetable oil, milk, nuts, meat, spinach;
  • B9 (folic acid) — helps the synthesis of norepinephrine, serotonin. Together with the other vitamins of this group, improves the health of the men, relieves fatigue, relieves the sense of anxiety and concern. Contains in cheese, citrus, fish, green leafy vegetables. The daily requirement of 200 mcg;
  • zinc is important for the power. Her daily dose — 14 mg. Enough content of this element in the body will provide an erection, but the lack of it can lead to sexual intercourse, impotence. He is involved in the formation of testosterone, but also increase the motility of the sperm. This trace element a lot of seafood, wheat bran, nuts;
  • selenium — is essential for the treatment of male infertility, improves sperm quality and helps in the production of testosterone. Is absorbed better if taken together with vitamin E;
  • magnesium — improves blood circulation antioxidant, it helps get rid of disorders of the central nervous system;
  • potassium — face with a shattered nervous system.

All the minerals and vitamins to increase power for men provide a balanced diet. But in the case of violation of the power of the recommended special vitamin complexes.


indications for the use of vitamins

The main reason of reception of vitamin complexes for power — erection difficulties.

The health and sexual performance of every man may worsen due to many negative factors:

  • incorrect style of life, disturbed power mode;
  • genetics and bad habits;
  • a bad ecological environment;
  • stress situations;
  • the hectic pace of life.

But if all the necessary microelements enters the body, in the right quantity, in spite of the presence of any of these factors, the man can long remain sexually active.

If the same even while well-balanced healthy diet that sexual function observed deviations or long is not done the conception, is necessary to examine the body on the content of male hormones. In this case, the doctor determines that you should take patient vitamins to increase libido and to overcome the infertility.

The action

The most effective will be the vitamins of the complex, composed of the most right combination of micronutrients.

Vitamins for the power in men to help:

  • restore the normal full erection;
  • increase the level corresponding to the age of the patient, of the libido;
  • improve the quality and motility of the sperm, which will overcome the male infertility;
  • to restore normal sleep;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • relieve the tiredness and irritability.

Contraindications and side effects

The vitamins that increase the potency in men, contain a large set of components that provide the body with versatile effect. Vitamins for erectile function are contraindicated the question in the following cases:

  • allergy are part of a complex of substances;
  • a senior age;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • kidney disease;
  • the disease of the heart;
  • stomach ulcers, 12 duodenal ulcer.

When inconsistent with the medical intake of vitamins for power can occur:

  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability, fatigue;
  • skin rashes;
  • kidney stones;
  • pain, disorders of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, gastritis;
  • the venous thrombosis.