What are the reasons why men develop prostatitis

Male prostatitis has different causes. Each type of inflammation in the prostate is caused by its own factors, which adversely affect the male body. Knowing what causes prostatitis, a person can protect themselves from this pathology. To do this, it is enough for him not to be exposed to the negative effects of aggressive environments and take care of his own health.

Classification of prostatitis

Types and forms of male prostatitis

Before finding out the cause of prostatitis, you need to understand the classification of the disease. Experts divide it into several types. They are distinguished from each other by symptoms and causes. If you suspect the development of prostatitis in men attending an appointment, the urologist will first try to determine a pathological process. Prostatitis can be:

  • Acute bacteria.It is considered the most dangerous form of genitourinary diseases. Caused by an acute infection entering the human body;
  • Chronic bacteria.It has permanent characters. Every time it gets worse, this disease will make you feel it.
  • Not bacteria.It is caused by a specific cause of prostatitis, and prostatitis is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that do not damage the glands;
  • No symptoms.The most difficult to diagnose because it progresses without obvious signs of discomfort. Only after studying the genitourinary system is it possible to determine the disease.

Each type of prostatitis has its own cause.

Each category has its own form of expression. Thanks to them, doctors can distinguish between different types of diseases. A correct calculation of the cause of prostatitis helps determine the form of inflammation.

Acute inflammation of the glands is the easiest to diagnose and treat. It is usually caused by colds and severe hypothermia. The disease causes an increase in body temperature and fever. Patients with this symptom need to see a doctor.

The acute form of this disease is usually accompanied by pain in the perineum, groin, genitals and anus. The severity of the main symptoms of male discomfort depends on the cause of prostatitis. Usually, acute inflammation starts after prostate infection. Unfortunately, in most cases its source is almost impossible to determine. This disease requires immediate treatment. The longer a person delays treatment, the greater the chance of prostatitis becoming a chronic disease.

Chronic prostatitis occurs due to an acute process in which a person does not have time to cure the disease for some reasons. Usually, this is what happens, because few people will seek expert help at the first signs of discomfort.

Chronic prostatitis has many symptoms that cause severe discomfort. Regardless of the cause, the disease manifests itself with dysuria or frequent urination, lower abdomen pain, and aggressive sexual life. Chronic prostatitis is very stubborn. Therefore, with the help of standard treatments, you will certainly not be able to get rid of it.

Prostatitis is characterized by chronic disease, which helps to identify persistent pain. The sharp decline in the quality of sexual life is also a shocking signal. If you find such signs, you need to consult an expert urgently. With such a diagnosis, it is impossible to refuse treatment because it will lead to many serious health complications.

Bacterial prostatitis is usually caused by congestion of the prostate and other pelvic organs. It has almost all the symptoms characteristic of past inflammation types.

Causes of bacterial prostatitis

Causes of bacterial prostatitis

Many men are interested in the causes of bacterial prostatitis and the causes of the disease. Its name already indicates the main cause of pathology. The disease can be caused by pathogenic bacteria, which enter the urogenital system and reach the prostate in various ways. There are many other factors that can cause inflammation. They increase the likelihood of illness. The attending physician must determine and be familiar with the cause of the pathology in order to choose the best treatment plan for the patient.

Both pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria can cause bacterial prostatitis.

Bacterial prostatitis occurs because the following pathogens damage the urogenital system organs:

  1. Chlamydia;
  2. Streptococcus;
  3. Neisseria gonorrhoeae;
  4. Escherichia coli;
  5. Trichomonas;
  6. Treponema pallidum is pale.

When asking the doctor what causes prostatitis in men, the patient should get the most accurate answer from him. Experts will tell you that this disease is most often sexually transmitted through unprotected contact, because the pathogen may be the microorganism that causes the development of sexually transmitted diseases.

Bacterial prostatitis is caused by the following reasons and factors:

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, occurring in acute or chronic form;
  • Genetic susceptibility;
  • Promiscuity sex life;
  • Long-term abstinence;
  • Unprotected intimacy;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Overweight and obesity;
  • has bad habits.
Why do men develop prostatitis

In the cold season, it is easy to get prostatitis due to hypothermia. Colds are dangerous not only for men but also for women. In this case, severe hypothermia can lead to the development of cystitis.

Many factors that have a negative impact on the body, such as hypothermia, may exacerbate prostatitis.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis may occur due to lack of timely treatment, and in most cases it occurs in a latent form. The man did not even notice that his body was undergoing unhealthy changes. This disease only reminds oneself when it gets worse. If the patient is affected by adverse factors, the chronic form of prostatitis will soon be replaced by the acute form of prostatitis. Later, painful symptoms appeared, which forced the man to go to a urologist.

Chronic prostatitis may be exacerbated for any reason. To avoid this situation, men do not need to be too cold, succumb to pressure and strong feelings, and do not need to contract viral diseases.

The recurrence of prostatitis is sometimes caused by surgery on organs of the genitourinary system.

Causes of congestive prostatitis

The patient asked the urologist about the cause of congestive prostatitis. Many experts are confident in this view and believe that this inflammatory disease is caused by the following reasons:

  • Psychosomatic diseases;
  • Congestion, that is, stagnation of biological fluids;
  • Violates the microcirculation and hemodynamics in the small pelvis.

This is the cause of bacterial (stasis) prostatitis. Diagnose when the patient is in a hyperemic state. This is the name for stagnant secretions in the prostate. This is due to the lack of proper drainage and blood filling of the pelvic veins. Therefore, they are filled in the area of ​​the lower blisters and the prostate plexus.

believes that small pelvic congestion and chronic pelvic pain syndrome can lead to the development of chronic prostatitis. The following factors will increase this possibility many times:

Causes of the development of congestive prostatitis
  • Severe cold body;
  • Intermittent sexual intercourse as the main method of contraception;
  • Masturbation;
  • pressure;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Obesity;
  • Chronic nicotine poisoning.

The main reasons also include the accompanying pathology associated with the formation of varicose veins located in the pelvic region. In addition, this group also includes rectal function violation and intestinal motor function failure. All these factors are clear answers to the question of why prostatitis occurs.

Congestive prostatitis is called an office worker’s disease, so physical exercise after get off work is a must


If a man begins to show signs of prostatitis, he should immediately consult a urologist for medical help. The sooner he does this, the sooner he gets rid of unpleasant diseases. Unfortunately, its initial symptoms appear after a period of time, so in the early stages of development, the inflammatory process of the glands can only be detected during routine examinations. The chronic course of bacterial prostatitis is the most difficult to diagnose. This is because it cannot appear with obvious symbols. They are usually so weak that people hardly notice them.

After examining the patient’s examination and research results, the doctor learned that the prostate is affected by diseases such as prostatitis, which is only diagnosed in men:

  1. Clinical analysis of urine and blood.Help identify inflammation in the body and other important indicators needed for diagnosis;
  2. Prostate secretion analysis.Show whether there are infectious agents that may cause violations;
  3. Bacterial susceptibility box.When bacterial prostatitis is detected, it is necessary to choose antibiotic treatment correctly;
  4. Blood test for prostate specific antigen.PSA level determines the current problems in the work of glandular organs;
  5. General history.It is collected at the beginning of the diagnosis. This study assessed the incidence of sub-heat temperature, inflammation and alcoholic diseases.
  6. Instrument diagnostic program.After the patient uses TRUS, digital rectal examination and MRI to study the genitourinary system, the urologist will be able to see the full picture of the disease. If the disease is latent, then PET-CT will help identify.

Before treating a disease, an expert must determine the correctness of his diagnosis. If necessary, he can consult other stenosis specialists who also treat prostatitis and determine the cause.

Sometimes, the urologist will refer a person to the oncologist for examination. This is because neglected prostatitis will one day lead to excessive growth of glandular tissue. In this context, the patient shows signs of prostate adenoma or cancer. The oncologist will perform standard procedures with the patient to identify the malignant process of the pathological process in the prostate.

After a complete diagnosis, the patient will be able to start treatment for prostatitis. The entire process should be carried out under the full supervision of a specialist so that he can monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.